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Orphan Black recap: Season 3 Episode #7 – Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate

Blood, drugs, politics and more blood pretty much sum up in a nutshell the events of last week’s episode of Orphan Black.  Now let’s discuss what that all means shall we?

First off the Wonder Twins are BACK together!  That’s right because Helena (Wildling Clone) went back and got Sarah (Special Clone) safely out of the compound they were being held at.  As they await for an ally to arrange safe passage, help arrives in the form of Mrs. S (Maria Doyle Kennedy).  Now why the hell would she do that KNOWING Helena wants to kill her for the deal she made that got her taken in the first place?  I guess she thought coming to their aide would makes things square.   FUCK that is what Helena was thinking as the two ladies get a bit physical, but after some hard hitting love Helena finds it in her heart to forgive Mrs. S and understands that she only did what she did to protect Sarah and Kira (Skyler Wexler).

Elsewhere Alison (Soccer Mom Clone) is making strides with her campaign run for School Trustee as well as her drug dealing business with husband Donnie (Kristian Brunn) when things hit a snag.  Donnie accidentally brings the wrong envelope to a meeting with their supplier (he had the envelope with the signatures Ali collected for her campaign) and is being held until the money for the drugs is delivered.  To top that off Alison’s mother decides she won’t sell the store which the Hendrix’s will need to launder their drug money with.  Speaking of Alison’s mother, she calls after having a panic attack which forces Alison away from the candidates mixer which she’s NEEDS to be at to do her final campaigning.  Cosima stops by and is forced to pose as Alison to avoid her losing the race.  It’s always hysterical watching one sister posing as another because each one is NOTHING like the next and only those who really know them would know when there’s something up.

Cosima (Brainy Clone) and new girlfriend Shay (Ksenia Solo) are living in a lust filled bubble and all seems on the up and up…until Delphine (Evelyne Brochu) shows up unexpectedly at Shay’s place looking for Cosima.  Now how the hell did Delphine even know where Cosima was?  Is that bitch cray cray?  Naw she’s just concerned about Cosima and her sisters and doing ALL that she can to make sure they survive.  Speaking of Shay it’s unclear what her intentions with Cosima are, but what is clear is that she’s up to something and ease dropping on Cosima and Delphine’s conversation leads one to believe she knows more then she’s letting on.  Could she possibly be the next threat against the sisters?  Tonight could shed light on some answers as an all new episode of Orphan Black airs tonight at 9pm, check your local listings for channel information.

#OrphanBlack #BBC #CloneClub #Season3 #TatianaMaslany #JordanGavaris #AriMillen #KristianBrunn #EvelyneBrochu #MariaDoyleKennedy