On the seventh episode of season four, the group talks about playing the billion dollar Mega Millions jackpot, Bago complains about Rachel having him on the “Do Not Disturb” setting on her iPhone and Jaime and Rachel describe the apple/pumpkin picking experiences they had last week.
On “Bochinche Bites” Jaime dishes on R&B singer Ashanti only selling 24 tickets to her last concert, the haunted subway, and a house party collapse.
On an all new “Loca List”, Rachel shares her Top 5 Female Halloween costumes you don’t want to rock.
On this week’s “Frank-spiracy News”, we learn how China is trying to launch a fake Moon.
The crew interviews digital media maven Melissa Sweets about her journey into radio, starting her own entertainment news blog: StrawberryBlunt.Com, and how she has currently ventured into producing and airing her new show, “From the Desk of Melissa Sweets” where she interviews both hip hop and Latin artists.
Our Que Lo Que Quickie is with founder of Next Stop Vegan, Blenlly Mena who tells us all about her plant based Dominican meal prep service.
Catch Rachel La Loca’s next all-female variety show in NYC on 11/17/18. For tickets go to www.herlarious.eventbrite.com and use code LOL for a discount!
Hashtag #LatinosOutLoud
Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/latinos-out-loud/id1330248548
Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Injeyr4zfd5zakjknpjtroedlpm?t=Latinos_Out_Loud
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1gh2GkY8t4fdFfG1SEX8Rh?si=iKpH-5kXQUuI-ir0z3oFMA
iHeart Radio App: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/latinos-out-loud-28786454/4/