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Horror’s “Meet The Parents” | GET OUT – Review

Daniel Kaluuya stars as Chris in GET OUT | © 2017 Universal Pictures

Ebony and Ivory

When most hear the name Jordan Peele, they think of one-half of Comedy Central’s duo of KEY AND PEELE or last year’s KEANU. A talented man known for his comedic wit and wisdom, Peele is also an accomplished voiceover star and impressionist. (Remember Barack Obama?) But what many do not realize is that the comic mastermind has also been a long-time fan of horror. Digging deep within his chaotic cranium, the man found it within himself to carve out a piece and launch it as his directorial debut. Lucky for him, Universal Pictures stepped up to the plate, and for added pleasure, it would happen with Universal’s partner-in-horror-crime, Jason Blum’s Blumhouse Productions.

GET OUT follows Chris (Daniel Kaluuya), an African-American photographer and artist in NYC who’s taking his relationship with his Caucasian girlfriend (Allison Williams) to the next level by meeting her parents over a long weekend. As soon as Chris arrives at the family’s rural, desolate upstate home, he begins to suspect that everything is not as it seems. When he discovers a number of black men have gone missing in that suburb, his suspicion reveals itself to be more than paranoia. What becomes a reluctant, obligatory weekend of meet-and-greets, weaves itself into a web of lunacy.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I liked it a lot! Off the bat, this isn’t the kind of genre that’s synonymous to the name Jordan Peele. Surprisingly enough, this might be the start of something spooky. I wouldn’t really call this piece a horror movie. It’s more of a psychological thriller. A good one, if I may say. It’s creepy, suspenseful, atmospheric, and thought-provoking with a twist you kind of catch once the first half is coming to a close. All with a touch of humor. I mean, it is Jordon Peele, so, one cannot expect to see a piece written and directed by him without some laughs. But it’s all done to cut through all the tension this flick generates. And believe me it generates a lot of it! It shines a spotlight on fears black people (mostly men) face in society in such a unique way and exaggerates them for emphasis with harsh tones. It’s a bit of a slow burn at first, but then goes off-the-rails. As a horror debut for Peele, if this does as well financially as it’s doing critically, I think he’s got a new genre to add to his resume. And with good reason seeing as he’s backed by Jason Blum. (Mic drop)


Grade: A / Genre: Horror, Suspense, Thriller / Rated: R / Run Time: 2:10
Starring: Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Bradley Whitford, Cahterine Keener, Caleb Landry Jones
Directed by: Jordan Peele

© 2017 Universal Pictures
