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MAKING WAVES: THE ART OF CINEMATIC SOUND: Review | Tribeca Film Festival 2019

From APOCALYPSE NOW’s helicopters to STAR WARS’ lightsabers, sound design is one of cinema’s most essential creative elements, yet also one of its most overlooked. MAKING WAVES dives into the impact of movie sound through insight from cinema’s biggest directors and their go-to sonic collaborators.

If you’ve read my reviews before, you’ll know on more than one occasion I’ve expressed how much I enjoy sound design and soundtracks. How I often listen to them during downtime, or when I’m typing up a review (as I am now – THE EXORCIST). I’ve often mentioned how it serves as a character itself. A peripheral structure of sorts to help enhance a film. To help you feel a scene. Live it. Taste it. Smell it. Whether it be dialog, or action-sequence, or even setting up mood to prep for an upcoming scene, it’s an important tool of impact. MAKING WAVES exposes the art of sound in detail as it goes way back to the start of film in the late 1800s, through today.

With Walter Murch, Ben Burtt, Gary Rydstrom, Hans Zimmer, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Ryan Coogler, Christopher Nolan, David Lynch and Barbra Streisand (among others), the commentary provided by these Hollywood heavyweights precisely takes us through a journey we get to see through our ears. As recommended viewing for all film aficionados, one will be amazed at the amount of time and creative work that goes into some of the best films of the past, present, and obviously future. As an outlet that allows one’s imagination to grow beyond visuals, this history and educational lesion provided by MAKING WAVES will have you viewing films with a totally different outlook and newfound respect.

Genre: Documentary

Director: Midge Costin


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Tribeca Film Festival 2019